Today i feel so left out by my faction mates :(
Why? coz everyone was already high level and such, and they have this really nice armors and equipments to boot.
Well im trying but i think im not trying hard enought. I really wanted to get that 12symbols without spending real money to buy vis on the game.
And if i have that 12symbols that Queen Hamam like in exchange of a constellation recipe, i would really wanted to make a constellation sword or polearm.
Though i tried to scout for how much would it take to get those symbols, i got offers from 1-5billion vis (all 12 symbols). And i was frustrated/devastated that i cannot afford it and i don't think that it is really wise to buy those. I was also reminded by my friend SMITHandWESSON that what iam gonna get from Hamam is just a recipe and i still have to spend for crafting that recipe, and God knows how much will it cost me.
Another thing, as you already know, The Pacman Faction is just a small clan. We are 7active players strong, all experts/masters. All i know is that FL wanted the faction to keep it small just like it is now.
Faction Leader : Blacklisted - he dont really talk too much in the faction chat
Deputy : Wahriet - this guy likes raids
: Tamanegi - he always answer my questions
Members : Solazzio - bother of Velveto
: Velveto - brother of Solazzio
: Psychedelica - this is Legionis account extension
: and me Colbourn - im prolly the most noob and weak of all.
This left out thing started with 2days ago, when they do mission/raid without them asking me if i wanted to join them. Oh well they would have prolly think that im not instrested to join them, or they dont want me to join them at all coz they just dont like me. i dont know.
And then, i remember, when solazzio's brother Velveto joined the faction,
Blacklisted :who is this Velveto guy!!!
Wahriet : he is brother of Sola.
Blacklisted : next time you going to invite people in the faction, ask me first!
Now i was thinking, when i joined the faction, does he says, something like this?
Or i dont know, you see i ask Tamanegi to invite me in the faction. So i dont know, they might not really like me. I hope iam wrong. Trying to keep my eyes close.
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