Monday, April 14, 2008

multi tasking

multi tasking
Originally uploaded by C0rDy
I wos like brosing the forums when i stumble upon this thread/contest called Forum Quest 13: Veya's Challenge - April Fool! 04/01 - 04/30
as i read upon the entries, i said to myself, Hey i can do this since it does not require any editing and all those complicated photoshop thing coz im not too savvy into those kind of software.
So here it is.
Enjoy peeps!

Irawan: what are you two doing here?

Panfilo: don't ask me im just fishing here.

Elementalist: hey, your blocking my sun, im trying to get a tan here!

Irawan: ermmmm, don't you think your too overdress for that??

Elementalist: OOmg.......Are you blind??!!??
Cant you see im bleaching my le blanc here at the same time!!

Irawan: hahaha, lol. let me get my le blanc too.

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